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2014-04-25 06:26:51 :
2014-04-25 06:26:51 :


My Big Fat Greek Wedding (Blu-Ray)

Grazie a: (blu-ray) Greek : 2012-06-28|13:08:29

My Big Fat Greek Wedding (Music From The Motion Picture) My Big Fat Greek Wedding is a 2002 Canadian and American romantic comedy film written by and starring Nia Vardalos and directed by Joel Zwick. The film is centered on Fotoula `Toula` Portokalos (Nia Vardalos), a middle class Greek American woman who falls in love with a non-Greek upper middle class `White Anglo-Saxon Protestant` Ian Miller (John Corbett). At the 75th Academy Awards, it was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. A sleeper hit, the film grossed $241.4 million in North America, despite never reaching number one at the box office during its release (the highest-grossing film to accomplish this feat). Fotoula `Toula` Portokalos (Nia Vardalos) is going through an early midlife crisis. At thirty, she is the only woman in her family who has `failed`. Her family expects her to `marry a Greek, make Greek babies, and feed everyone until the day [she] die[s].` Instead, Toula is stuck working in the family business, a restaurant. In contrast to her `perfect` sister, Athena (Stavroula Logothetis), Toula is frumpy and cynical. She fears she`s doomed to be stuck with her life as it is. At the restaurant, she briefly sees Ian Miller (John Corbett), a handsome school teacher. This event, combined with an argument with her father, Gus (Michael Constantine), motivates her to begin taking computer classes at a local college. She also gets contact lenses, wears her hair curly, and <b>...</b>

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2014-04-25 17:00:07 :
2014-04-25 17:00:07 :
2014-04-25 17:00:07 :
2014-04-25 17:00:07 :
2014-04-25 17:00:07 :
2014-04-25 17:00:07 :Currently No Article
2014-04-25 17:00:07 :
2014-04-25 17:00:07 :
2014-04-25 17:00:07 :
2014-04-25 17:00:07 :Socialblog scritto da geek.
2014-04-25 17:00:07 :
2014-04-25 17:00:07 :


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2014-04-25 17:00:08 :
2014-04-25 17:00:08 : articles from Article Submission Directory - Easy Article Submit


2014-04-25 17:00:09 :
2014-04-25 17:00:09 :Because selling your C Corp in an asset sale creates such an unfavorable tax situation, this article explores some strategies you may employ to move the buyer to a stock sale.
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Eli Manning on Saturday Night Live (SNL) 5-5-2012

Grazie a: Saturday 5-5-2012 : 2012-06-24|06:34:34

Eli Manning appealed to Saturday Night Live because he doesn`t take himself too seriously. That was evident throughout as the New York Giants` quarterback hosted the show Saturday night -- opening as a bumpkin in the `Big Apple` and doing a skit as guy with a real big brother problem. In his intro, the two-time Super Bowl winner told the audience he finally feels like a `real New Yorker` after growing up in New Orleans and going to college in Mississippi. In taking mock questions from out-of-towners in the audience at NBC, he was asked where to get some Italian food in New York. Saturday Night Live followed that theme it by casting Eli in a skit about a group called `Little Brothers.` Manning mentored Chicago personal injury attorney Auto Insurance Quote New Lasik college student loan consolidation Mesothelioma Treatments debt free employment the youngsters on how to take revenge on dominating big brothers by blasting them with dodge balls and shooting a crossbow at them. `And now you`ll learn how to treat your younger brother with some respect, Peyton,` Manning said as he closed the trunk of an automobile on one kid. Eli Manning was the guest host on Saturday Night Live.

2014-04-25 17:00:10 :
2014-04-25 17:00:10 :
2014-04-25 17:00:10 :Currently No Article


2014-04-25 17:00:11 :This article is about how to tone and sculpt your calf muscles. These exercises, when coupled with an elliptical workout will give your legs the look you desire.
2014-04-25 17:00:11 :For many years men and woman have wanted to obtain the look and feel of a great, healthy physique. Many of us want strong arms, abdominal muscles, and legs. Viewing a lot of the sports people on TV often leaves us wanting to know "just how did they manage to get their bodies so firm?" The solution lies in doing a six pack abs workout.
2014-04-25 17:00:11 :
2014-04-25 17:00:11 :Socialblog scritto da geek.


2014-04-25 17:00:12 :
2014-04-25 17:00:12 :
2014-04-25 17:00:12 :


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